Program Flow


8:00Registration & Assembly
9:00Opening CeremonyHenry Soesanto Host Governor WINA/ Chief Executive Officer, Monde Nissin Corporation
Koki Ando Chairman WINA/ Chief Executive Officer, Nissin Foods Holdings
10:00Keynote SpeechKunihiko Hirabayashi Secretary General, ASEAN-Japan Centre
10:30WINA Challenge Target PresentationMitsuru Tanaka Head of the Food Safety and Security Panel of WINA
11:00Exhibit OpeningGovernors of WINA
11:00Board of Governors Meeting / Lunch Break
13:30Forum 1 Nutrition and HealthTransforming Markets to Deliver Nutritious, Affordable Foods
Greg Garrett Executive Director, Access to Nutrition Initiative
Movements in the SEA Region and Impact of Front of Pack Nutrition Labelling on the Consumers​
Azucena Dayanghirang Assistant Secretary and Executive Director IV, National Nutrition Council, Philippines; SUN Country Focal Point Philippines
Moderated Panel Discussion
Naoko Yamamoto  Professor, International University of Health and Welfare; Director, Global Medical Cooperation Center
Role of Processed Food in Indonesian Diet
Purwiyatno Hariyadi - Professor, IPB University; Indofood
Sharing About Nutrition/Health Orientations and Insights On The Use of NPS and FOPNL
Chu Luu Quang - Section Leader – Risk Management Board, Acecook Vietnam
Trends in Japan and​ Nissin Foods Group's Initiatives
Mitsuru Tanaka Head of the Food Safety and Security Panel of WINA / Chief Development Officer, Nissin Foods Holdings
15:10Forum 2 Environmental-SustainabilityEmbracing the Challenge: Climate Change in the Food Industry Sector
Analiza Teh Undersecretary for Finance, Information System and Climate Change, Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Plastic Collective: On a Mission to Create a Plastic Waste-Free World
Steve Hardman Chief Executive Officer, Plastic Collective
Moderated Panel Discussion
Ping Manongdo Partnerships Consultant, Philippines Eco-Business; Head of Partnerships, Southeast Asia Decarbonization Exchange
18:30Gala Dinner